Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I've Got Problems

I've got problems.

Every house does. One of our problems is 1976 is still alive and well. In our foyer.

No windows, a dark wood door (also windowless) and vast amount of wood paneling. Ack!

My thinking is that I will fill the top half of the paneling in and paint it (maybe the color of our tv wall in the living room?), put a chair rail around the middle, and paint the bottom half white. Kind of like wainscoting? Well thats the thought anyways. Except, I can't figure out how to fill in those little groves of the paneling without it looking like, wood paneling that got filled in. Any suggestions for products?!

Then I could paint the cabinet (currently housing pullups) a fun color, 

and add a row of hooks for the children's backpacks under the "H" frame. 

What I'd really love is a new front door. With a window! Ooo, the possibilities!

Of course, the thought of installing a new front door ourselves scares me to death. What if we do a shabby job and the bad guys can just push it over and get in!? Or the snow. That would be bad as well.

If anyone has experience with covering wood paneling or installing front doors so bad guys and snow can't get in, share the knowledge!