Friday, February 11, 2011

Life is hard...get a helmet

When I decided to go back to school for nursing people would say, "Wow, I've heard thats really hard. But you can do it, I'm sure you'll do great."

After I was accepted into the program (a year of pre reqs later) and was well underway they would say, "I don't know how you're doing it all, but I'm sure you'll do great."

And now that I'm in my last year, I'm starting to understand what they were talking about.

Its wicked hard!

Not that I'm complaining, because I absolutely love nursing. But all this to say, I can't do it all. 

So for our new followers (which I'm soooo excited about) I would like to say, hang in there. Please.

I have read several places that to have a successful blog, you should make at least 3 posts per week.


I feel lucky if I get to shower 3 times a week.

I kid.

I have projects in the works, they just take longer to complete. We'll still be gettin crafty, but just think of it as a retirement home craft blog. Slow and steady. Ha!

But please stick it out, I promise I'm still here, and love you all!

So I would like to leave you with a blog that I've been oogling over, as well as a new blog.

Ooogle with me: Sandra at Sawdust and Paperscraps has been featuring her home tour
One room per day.
She builds everything...EVERYTHING herself! 
Kind of like a blonde Rosie the Riveter.

 I had to play catch up today, but her before and afters are AMAZING. Check it out! 

And the newbie blog: a shout out to the hubs. 

He started a Its not design and craftiness, its inspiration and godliness. 
Check out Procrastinating Tomorrow. It kinda rocks. 

So do me a solid and pop by, leave him a comment, and tell him his hott wife sent ya!?

You guys are the best!