A couple weeks ago I headed 3 hours north to hang out with my in laws for the weekend. My sister in law is new to the world of the yummy goodness that is vintage, shabby, and antique. Wait, aren't vintage and antique the same? Or no? Anywho, we drove over the river (Mississippi that is) to Clarksville Missouri. We visited the most amazing antique mall. Ever.
(Those two are not vintage or antique, I can vouch for that)
Probably my most favorite part was their porch. It was packed with so many wonderful things. There is an old shabby bench that I looked at, walked away from, went back and looked at again. Now I'm wishing I had just gone for it! If you're ever shopping and you repeatedly hear your name from inanimate objects, you should probably just go ahead and buy them.
Inside was row after row of different shops. The thing I love about antique malls like this is if you think one is overpriced, just wander over the next partition til you find a shop that is more your price range. One thing that I don't like about antique shopping is that sometimes people thing their goods are hott stuff. So they ask an arm and a leg for them. Where as garage sales and craigslist, people are just wanting to get rid of the "junk". But Clarksville had many reasonable vendors.
We had just about lost all our steam by the time we stumbled on this part. Behind those windows are racks and racks of vintage dresses. When I say this place was huge, I kid you not!
We ended up with some really great deals. My sister in law actually out bought me this time! She's planning on sitting that galvanized tub into the chair and plant it full of succulents. My favorite find was my scale. If you actually look back a post, you can see it sitting proudly in my freshly painted kitchen.
I did some rearranging in the master bedroom yesterday and have some plans of decorating floating around in my head. But thats always the case. I'm hoping my husband suggests a trip to see his family again soon because I think I need another trip to Clarksville!
OMGosh! This is my kinda place! And great finds for sure! Thanks for coming by my blog today.