
Friday, April 9, 2010

World's biggest garage sale? We'll let you know!

So the other day Tanya was listening to the radio and heard an ad for the "World's largest garage sale" so being the savvy crafter she is, she immediately texted me and had me look it up.  I mean who wouldn't be intrigued by all of those words in the SAME SENTENCE?!?!?!

Here's the dealie-oh... there is over 200 booths all in ONE PLACE at Farimount Park in Collinsville, IL from 7-1pm tomorrow.  Now at first this sounds pretty neat huh?  YES!  Then we found out that you have to pay admission to get into the sale.  A bit of a bummer until we realized that every person that has a booth has to pay $25 for a space.... so they must have some PRETTY FUNKY JUNK they wanna get rid of!  SCORE FOR US!  Besides in our little town, a day of entertainment for $5 admission isn't too bad :)

Tomorrow we'll report in on how grand or ghetto this thing is and maybe even share some funky junk with ya!  Sleep well all!  I'm off to sleep early so I can be an early riser junk shopper.


  1. Sounds interesting and fun! Hope you find some cool stuff!!

  2. Wish I lived there - that sounds like a BLAST!!!!

  3. Thanks for entering my clock giveaway over at Stories from A to Z!
    Good luck!
    Staci at Craftify It!
