Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Be still my heart....

I have a confession to make to my poor husband- I'm in love with another man.  Don't worry though honey- he's gay!  Plus he has no clue as to who I am and probably never will.  My torrid love affair of Eddie Ross began when I saw him on HGTV's Design Star during Season 2.  His style and taste wowed me, his evil little grin made me giggle, and his superb taste and creativity made me swoon!

Recently I found out that he has a BLOG!  Be still my heart....  It is full of picture of his home, his ideas, and projects he has worked on (like Kathie Lee Giffords house!!!!) 

This project has become a STAPLE on craft blogs lately

You won't believe what he did with these shirts from Goodwill...

Holy canoli!!!  How easy-peasy and beautiful at the same time.  Can't get better than that huh?
Head over to Eddie's Blog and see how he used these to decorate Kathie Lee's house.